

It is quite easy to grow an avocado tree from the fruit purchased in your local supermarket but, keeping it alive in the UK will require some effort.


Banana plants grow exceptionally well in the UK during the summer months but, they need to be protected from frost over winter, to avoid them dying back to ground level.


I do a lot of cooking and use a lot of Basil. After watching this YouTube video I realised that I could grow most of it myself. Basil can be propagated very easily to create many new plants.


I've had a lot of success growing ginger from a small piece of root ginger purchased at a supermarket.


I have had a lemon tree for several years now, which currently provides about 5 lemons each year.


I have had a lime tree for several years now, which currently provides 20+ fresh limes each year.



I have a small orange tree with decorative oranges but, they can be used in cocktails.

Plant Pots

The majority of the plant pots we have used in our garden are from Ecopots.